
  • GCSEs and A-Levels (update 8.4.2020)

    Dear Parents and Students

    Pearson has finally announced that all examinations, including International GCSE’s and A-Levels are cancelled for this summer 2020. However, Pearson is still determined to be awarding students grades. Therefore, on the 3rd April 2020, Pearson announced how this will be done for International Centres.


    Pearson has agreed to use the same procedures and rules set out by Ofqual who regulate and oversee all exam boards in the UK. All students that were entered for an IGCSE exam or IAL exam will be awarded grades in the following manner.


    Firstly, subject teachers will submit grades to Pearson. These grades will be based on a range of evidence that Ofqual has created. The range of evidence consists of the following:

    · bookwork,

    · participation in performances in subjects such as music, drama and PE

    · any non-exam assessment (coursework) – whether or not complete

    · the results of any assignments – classwork or homework or mock exams

    · previous examination results – for example, for any re-sitting students or those with relevant AS qualifications

    · the performance of this year’s students compared to those in previous years

    · any other records of student performance over the course of study


    Pearson has stated that more guidance will follow to support subject teachers in ensuring the right grade is submitted for each student.

    Once Pearson has collected grades from all of the Centre’s around the world, they will use this statistical model that Ofqual is now currently developing to review the grades submitted by our subject teachers, and where necessary, change the grade if they believe we have been too generous or strict. Pearson will then finalise the students’ grades and the results will be published in August.

    Pearson has informed us that the following rule must be applied, otherwise the grades submitted by our teachers will be rejected, and the students’ grades will be based on Pearson solely comparing our current students to students who took exams in previous years.

    To keep the grades confidential and to avoid malpractice and false grading, parents and students are not allowed to contact their subject teachers about what grades will be awarded. Students and parents will only know the results in August.

    The web address to access the latest information from Pearson can be found here:

  • GCSEs and A-Levels (update 20.3.2020)

    Dear Parents and Students

    Pearson has announced the following today regarding IGCSE and International A-Level Exams for May and June of this academic year.

    Where schools are open and the country is deemed safe, exams for International GCSE, and International A Level will take place for students outside of the UK in May/June 2020.Where schools are closed and public exams are not permitted due to Covid-19, students will have the opportunity to receive a grade for qualifications where an entry has been made. These will be awarded using the same principles as the UK GCSE and GCE A Level which will not have exams in any country in May/June 2020. Further information will be available in the coming days, confirming the process to be followed.

    Stay safe

    Carl Carter - Examination Officer at Galileo High School

    International Centre 91832

  • GCSEs and A-Levels

    Dear Parents and Students

    Due to the global situation we have at this minute in time, Pearson has provided a statement on their webpage for International Centres that they have accepted the UK government’s decision to cancel GCSEs and A-Levels for this academic year, and they now intend to focus their efforts on supporting students world-wide to ensure they are successful.

    The web address to access the latest information from Pearson can be found here:

    Pearson apologises for the uncertainty this situation is causing, but for the time being, Galileo High School and other International Centres alike must wait for what decisions Pearson will make as to whether International GCSEs and International A-Levels will continue.

    Pearson has recently created a free link page for teachers and students to access the International GCSE and A-Level textbooks until June of this year.

    The web address to find this free link is: 

    There is no need to register to Pearson. Simply click on the link and agree to the terms of use.

    If you have any questions, please send an email to and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

    Thank-you for your time and please stay safe.

    Best regards,

    Carl Carter

    Examination Officer for Galileo High School

    International Centre 91832




    Vážení rodičia,

                  Dňa 11.3.2020 bol u otca dvoch našich žiačok z prvého a tretieho ročníka ZŠ test na prítomnosť koronavírusu pozitívny. Na základe tejto skutočnosti vydal RÚVZ rozhodnutie.

    Na základe rozhodnutia RÚVZ je materská škola, základná škola aj gymnázium GALILEO SCHOOL v karanténe do 22.3.2020. Zápisnica o epidemiologickom vyšetrovaní Vám bola doručená dňa 11.3.2020 aj s pokynmi na následné opatrenia.

                  Tohto času by mali byť odobraté vzorky na testovanie u oboch našich žiačok a ich matky. Momentálne čakáme na výsledky.

    Zatiaľ sa podľa našich informácií žiadny koronavírus u žiakov našej školy nepotvrdil.

    Na základe dnešného rozhodnutia krízového štábu bude celá škola aj po skončení karantény ešte jeden týždeň mimo prevádzky. Do školy by sa žiaci mali vrátiť v pondelok 30.3.2020. Na príkaz ministerky školstva majú riaditelia škôl „zabezpečiť samoštúdium žiakov prostredníctvom elektronickej komunikácie s pedagogickými zamestnancami škôl,“ o čo sa snažíme od okamihu prerušenia prevádzky.


                  V záujme sprostredkovania informácií, chceli by sme touto cestou požiadať všetkých rodičov, aby o prípadnom výskyte koronavírusu u akéhokoľvek člena rodiny žijúcej v spoločnej domácnosti s našimi žiakmi a študentmi hlásili škole.

                  O vývoji situácie Vás budeme informovať.


    Za porozumenie ďakujeme



    Dear parents,


    A father of two children of our school - first and third grade of Elementary school - tested positive on Covid-19 virus. The Public Health Authority issued the following ruling.

    The Public Health Authority ordered quarantine for the Kindergarten, Primary, Middle and High School GALILEO SCHOOL until the 22nd March 2020. The statement had been sent in an email on 11th March 2020 via email. 

    There are tests underway for the above mentioned students and for her mother. We are currently awaiting the results of these tests. 

    There are NO confirmed cases of Coronavirus for the GALILEO SCHOOL students. 

    The Crises management team of the Civil protection announced  closure of all schools for further two weeks. Students should return to school back on Monday the 30th March 2020. 

    The Secretary of State for Education ordered the school principals to deploy the independent student preparation at home and electronic communication with teachers during this time. We have already engaged within this here at GALILEO SCHOOL.

    With regards of being mutually informed we would like to ask you to inform the school without delay of potential occurrence of Covid-19 virus infection of any member of the household living together with the GALILEO SCHOOL students. 

    We will keep you informed via email. 


    Thank you for your understanding

    The management of GALILEO SCHOOL   


  • Koronavírus karanténa / COVID-19 quarantine

    Na základe epidemiologického vyšetrenia zo dňa 11.3.2020 Regionálny úrad verejného zdravotníctva sprísňuje opatrenia proti šíreniu nového koronavírusu. Vyučovanie bude prerušené od pondelka 9. do piatku 22. marca. V prílohe Vám posielame zápisnicu z epidemiologického šetrenia RÚVZ.

    Due to an epidemiological examination dated 11 March 2020, the Regional Public Health Authority Bratislava, the capital city based in Bratislava (hereinafter referred to as RÚVZ Bratislava) in accordance with Act no. 355/2007 Coll. on the Protection, Promotion and Development of Public Health and on the amendment of certain acts, as amended, directs the following quarantine measures:


    To all pupils, teaching staff and technical staff of GALILEO SCHOOL, Dudvážska 6,821 07 Bratislava:


    In connection with the occurrence of coronavirus in COVID-19 in the family of children attending the school and to prevent the spread of COVID 19, it is necessary to undergo quarantine measures: interruption of the educational process from 09.03.2020-22.03.2020, all pupils instructed, teaching and technical staff.


    Persons are obliged to take the following steps:

    a) monitor his / her health (sudden onset of at least one of the following symptoms: fever, cough, sore throat, shortness of breath) and contact his / her doctor and RÚVZ Bratislava without delay to receive biological material

    (b) remain in domestic isolation

    (c) refrain from social contacts (eg visits to cultural, social, sporting or other mass events or the admission of persons or social activities in a place of isolation)

    (d) refrain from travelling

    (e) refrain from participating in teaching activities, with the exception of e-learning forms

    (f) to refrain from working, except at home isolation


    Vianočné prázdniny pre žiakov našej školy začnú v pondelok  23. decembra 2019.  V novom roku  roku sa opäť stretneme v   stredu 8. januára 2020. Želáme Vám príjemné prežitie vianočných sviatkov a tešíme sa na Vás v Novom roku.


    Christmas holidays will start on Monday, 23rd December 2019. We will meet again on Wednesday, 8th January 2020. We wish you a Merry Christmas and look forward to seeing you in the New Year. Have a Merry Christmas & happy New Year!

  • Rodičovské združenie ZŠ,GYM / Parents meetings for Primary, Middle and High School

    Rodičovské združenia pre základnú školu a gymnázium sa uskutočnia vo štvrtok a piatok, 9. a 10. januára 2020 od 14.30 do 17.30 hod. Termín s triednym učiteľom si môžete rezervovať zapísaním sa na konkrétny čas na recepcii školy alebo telefonicky na tel. č. 02/4598 1928.


    We would like to inform you that the parents meetings for Primary,Secondary and High School will take place on Thursday and Friday, 9th and 10th January 2020 from 14.30 until 17.30. Please, book an appointment with the class teacher by signing up for a particular time at the school reception desk or on the tel. no. 02/4598 1928.

  • Rodičovské združenie ZŠ,GYM / Parents meetings for Primary, Middle and High School

    Rodičovské združenia pre základnú školu a gymnázium sa uskutočnia v stredu a štvrtok, 13. a 14. novembra 2019 od 14.30 do 17.30 hod. Termín s triednym učiteľom si môžete rezervovať zapísaním sa na konkrétny čas na recepcii školy alebo telefonicky na tel. č. 02/4598 1928.


    We would like to inform you that the parents meetings for Primary,Secondary and High School will take place on Wednesday and Thursday, 13th and 14th November 2019 from 14.30 until 17.30. Please, book an appointment with the class teacher by signing up for a particular time at the school reception desk or on the tel. no. 02/4598 1928.



  • Rodičovské združenia ZŠ,GYM / Parents meetings for Primary, Middle and High School

    Vážení rodičia,

    hneď prvý týždeň školského roka 2019/2020 nás čakajú rodičovské stretnutia a preto nám dovoľte touto cestou pozvať Vás na ne a oznámiť Vám harmonogram úvodných rodičovských združení, ktoré sa budú konať nasledovne:

    3.9.2019 (utorok) o 15.00 hod. triedy prvého ročníka – Grade 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D

    3.9.2019 (utorok) o 16.00 hod. triedy druhého ročníka – Grade 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D

    4.9.2019 (streda) o 15.00 hod. triedy Middle School – Grade 6, 7, 8

    4.9.2019 (streda) o 16.00 hod. triedy Gymnázia  1 – 5

    5.9.2019 (štvrtok) o 15.00 hod. triedy tretieho ročníka – Grade 3A, 3B, 3C, 3D

    5.9.2019 (štvrtok) o 16.00 hod. triedy štvrtého ročníka – Grade 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D

    6.9.2019 (piatok) o 15.00 hod. triedy piateho ročníka – Grade 5A, 5B, 5C


    Materská školka bude mať úvodné rodičovské stretnutie po slávnostnom otvorení  2.9.2019 vo vlastných triedach.


    Do skorého videnia






    Dear parents,

    Please, let us invite you to the introductory Parents-Teacher meetings that will take place on the following days:

    3.9.2019 (Tuesday) at 3 pm for the Grade 1 classes – Grade 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D

    3.9.2019 (Tuesday) at 4 pm for the Grade 2 classes – Grade 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D

    4.9.2019 (Wednesday) at 3 pm for the Middle School – Grade 6, 7, 8

    4.9.2019 (Wednesday) at 4 pm for the High School - Grade  1 – 5

    5.9.2019 (Thursday) at 3 pm for the Grade 3 classes – Grade 3A, 3B, 3C, 3D

    5.9.2019 (Thursday) at 4 pm for the Grade 4 classes – Grade 4A, 4B, 4C, 4D

    6.9.2019 (Friday) at 3 pm for the Grade 5 – Grade 5A, 5B, 5C


    Kindergarten Parents-Teacher meetings will be right after New academic year festive opening and will take place in the kindergarten classes.


    See you soon



  • Rodičovské združenia ZŠ,GYM / Parents meetings for Primary, Middle and High School

    Rodičovské združenia pre základnú školu a gymnázium sa uskutočnia vo štvrtok a piatok, 13. a 14. júna 2019 od 14.30 do 17.30 hod. Termín s triednym učiteľom si môžete rezervovať zapísaním sa na konkrétny čas na recepcii školy alebo telefonicky na tel. č. 02/4598 1928.


    We would like to inform you that the parents meetings for Primary,Secondary and High School will take place on Thursday and Friday, 13th and 14th June 2019 from 14.30 until 17.30. Please, book an appointment with the class teacher by signing up for a particular time at the school reception desk or on the tel. no. 02/4598 1928.




  • Rodičovské združenia ZŠ,Gym / Parents meetings for Primary and High School

    Rodičovské združenia pre základnú školu a gymnázium sa uskutočnia vo štvrtok a piatok, 14. a 15. júna 2018 od 14.30 do 17.30 hod. Termín s triednym učiteľom si môžete rezervovať zapísaním sa na konkrétny čas na recepcii školy alebo telefonicky na tel. č. 02/4598 1928.

    We would like to inform you that the parents meetings for Primary,Secondary and High School will take place on Thursday and Friday, 14th and 15th June 2018 from 14.30 until 17.30. Please, book an appointment with the class teacher by signing up for a particular time at the school reception desk or on the tel. no. 02/4598 1928.

  • Rodičovské združenia ZŠ,GYM / Parents meetings Primary,Secondary and High School

    Rodičovské združenia pre základnú školu a gymnázium sa uskutočnia vo štvrtok a piatok, 19. a 20. apríla 2018 od 14.30 do 17.30 hod. Termín s triednym učiteľom si môžete rezervovať zapísaním sa na konkrétny čas na recepcii školy alebo telefonicky na tel. č. 02/4598 1928.

    We would like to inform you that the parents meetings for Primary,Secondary and High School will take place on Thursday and Friday, 19th and 20th April 2018 from 14.30 until 17.30. Please, book an appointment with the class teacher by signing up for a particular time at the school reception desk or on the tel. no. 02/4598 1928.

  • Rodičovské stretnutie materská škola / Kindergarten - Parents meetings


    Radi by sme Vás vopred informovali, že rodičovské stretnutie pre materskú školu sa uskutoční v stredu a štvrtok, 21. a 22. marca 2018 od 15:00 do 17:00 hod. Prosím, rezervujte si stretnutie s triednym učiteľom zapísaním sa na konkrétny čas na recepcii školy alebo telefonicky na tel. č. 02/45981928.


    The parents´ meeting for kindergarten will take place on Wednesday and Thursday, 21st and 22nd March 2018 from 15.00 until 17:00. You can make an appointment with a class teacher by signing up at the reception desk or call 02/4598 1928 to schedule an appointment.

  • Rodičovské združenia MŠ / Parents meeting for Kindergarten

    Radi by sme vás informovali, že rodičovské združenia pre materskú školu sa uskutočnia v stredu a štvrtok, 21. a 22. marca 2018 od 15.00 do 17.00 hod. Prosím, rezervujte si stretnutie s triednym učiteľom zapísaním sa na konkrétny čas na recepcii školy alebo telefonicky na tel. č. 02/4598 1928.


    We would like to inform you that the parents meetings for Kindergarten will take place on Wednesday and Thursday, 21st and 22nd March 2018 from 15.00 until 17.00. Please book an appointment with the class teacher by signing up for a particular time at the school reception desk or on the tel. no. 02/4598 1928.

  • YLE testovanie / YLE Exams

  • Prezetácie projektov / Project presentations

    Vážení rodičia, radi by sme Vás pozvali na prezentácie projektov našich študentov ročníkov 1-6, ktoré sa uskutočnia v stredu 31. januára 2018 v jednotlivých triedach.

    Dear parents, we would like to invite you for the project presentations of our students of Grades 1-6 which will take place on Wednesday 31st January 2018 in the classrooms.

  • Rodičovské združenia ZŠ,GYM / Parents meetings for Primary and High School

    Rodičovské združenia pre základnú školu a gymnázium sa uskutočnia v stredu a štvrtok, 10. a 11. januára 2018 od 14.30 do 17.30 hod. Termín s triednym učiteľom si môžete rezervovať zapísaním sa na konkrétny čas na recepcii školy alebo telefonicky na tel. č. 02/4598 1928.

    We would like to inform you that the parents meetings for Primary,Secondary and High School will take place on Wednesday and Thursday, 10th and 11th January 2018 from 14.30 until 17.30. Please, book an appointment with the class teacher by signing up for a particular time at the school reception desk or on the tel. no. 02/4598 1928.

  • MŠ Rodičovské združenia / Kindergarten parents meeting 

    Radi by sme vás informovali, že rodičovské združenia pre materskú školu sa uskutočnia v stredu a štvrtok, 22. a 23.novembra 2017 od 15.00 do 17.00 hod. Prosím, rezervujte si stretnutie s triednym učiteľom zapísaním sa na konkrétny čas na recepcii školy alebo telefonicky na tel. č. 02/4598 1928.


    We would like to inform you that the parents meetings for Kindergarten will take place on Wednesday and Thursday, 22nd and 23rd November 2017 from 15.00 until 17.00. Please book an appointment with the class teacher by signing up for a particular time at the school reception desk or on the tel. no. 02/4598 1928.



  • Súkromná materská škola / Súkromná základná škola / Súkromné gymnázium GALILEO SCHOOL
    Dudvážska 6, 821 07 Bratislava 214
  • 02/4598 1928, 4598 1929
